Signs and Synchronicities
I don't know about you, but I think the Universe is forever giving us "signs;" signs that we are making the right choice, signs that all is fundamentally well, reassurance that we are on the right path.
These "signs" can come in many different forms: A "chance" phone call at just the right moment; the perfect reading when you are struggling with a particular issue; bumping into the right person at the right time; witnessing first-hand the answer to a prayer.
Some of our signs may be self-determined. For instance, many years ago, I decided that 622 was my special number. So, from then until now, whenever I see the number 622 -- on a building, a license plate, a printed form, or another place -- I take it as a reassuring sign that I am exactly where I am supposed to be on my life's journey.
Sometimes I will ask the Universe for a specific "sign." A few years ago, I was attending a small meditation group in Maine when I realized what the date was: It was the 60th anniversary of my brother Bobby's drowning. During the collective silence, I asked my Higher Power to send me a sign that all was well. When I left the church that evening and looked up, a beautiful rainbow greeted me.
Often, signs appear when we are not even looking for them! Recently, on retreat, after a tremendous healing circle, I left to walk alone back to my building. The full moon was behind me, casting a huge shadow in front. Suddenly, I became aware that there was another shadow to the left of me. I turned to see who was there. The street was empty.
Signs are everywhere when we pay attention. I recently heard about a man who wanted to make amends to parents no longer living. He had written them both a heartfelt letter and then took the letters to the cemetery to read them aloud. It was a windy day, and as he emotionally finished reading, he watched a plastic bag as it floated on the breeze. After several twists and turns, the bag came to rest right at his feet. When he picked it up, he saw these words written all over it: "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
I believe that signs are there for those who pay attention.
What are your special signs? Have you noticed any lately?