I combine a mind, body, and soul approach with traditional coaching techniques
Does your life lack balance, fulfillment, or direction?
Are you currently in the middle of or desiring to make a major change in circumstance or consciousness?
Do you habitually take care of everyone else's needs at the expense of your own?
Do you feel stuck in indecision, immobilized by fear, or confused about how to proceed?
Have you spent years in therapy without making headway?
Do you feel as if something vital is missing in your life?
If you answered YES to any of the above statements, you could greatly benefit from working with Betty
Coaching is often more interactive and action-oriented than traditional therapy. While coaching definitely deepens your self-learning and self-acceptance in the same way that therapy might, at the same time it also gives you the wherewithal to "move on" into new possibilities, relationships, and behaviors.
There is definitely room for both. A therapist generally helps a client identify and work through the dark and difficult places, while a coach helps the client identify and move towards the light, maintaining balance in the process.
The degree to which a coach will give suggestions depends upon the initial alliance created between client and coach. Some clients desire and/or require more suggestions than others, especially those in the midst of a crisis or transitional period.